Former Brazil Localization Overview

The Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp provides a fundamental layer of localization for companies doing business in Brazil by enhancing company, subsidiary, entity, and transaction records in NetSuite.

The SuiteApp supports CFOP and MCN codes as well as several Brazil tax IDs: CNPJ, CPF, Municipal subscription, State subscription, and SUFRAMA subscription.


The Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp is not intended to provide full localization support for Brazil. It must be used with other SuiteApps that provide tax determination and calculation, electronic invoicing, and statutory reports according to legal requirements.


Branch offices, whether domestic or international, must be set up as subsidiaries in NetSuite. Branch offices are separate entities so they must be treated as subsidiaries and not locations. To set up subsidiaries, see Subsidiary Setup.

Account Setup for Brazil

Setting up an account for Brazil involves the following tasks:

See also the following topics for more information:

Prerequisites for the Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp

Your account administrator must enable the following NetSuite SuiteCloud features before installing the Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp:

To enable SuiteCloud features, see SuiteCloud Features.

Installing the Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp

The Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp (Bundle ID: 130074) is a public managed bundle, and is automatically updated whenever there are enhancements or new features added. You can install the Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp by performing the following steps.

To install the Brazil Localization SuiteApp:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

  2. In the Keywords field, enter Brazil Localization or 130074 (the bundle ID).

  3. Click Search. Brazil Localization should appear in the search result with Bundle ID: 130074.

  4. Click the Brazil Localization link.

  5. On the Bundle Details page, click Install.

For information about installing SuiteApps, see Installing a Bundle.

Roles and Permissions for the Former Brazil Localization

When you install the Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp, you must review the custom roles you use on your account and, if required, grant permissions to access the records related to the SuiteApp. You must be an account administrator to grant permissions to roles.

Granting Custom Roles Access to MCN and CFOP Records

By default, the Administrator role can create MCN records and CFOP records. If you use a custom role, an administrator can grant you access to the MCN and CFOP records so that you can create the codes yourself.

To grant custom roles access to MCN and CFOP records:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

  2. Click the Customize link of a standard role or click the Edit link of a custom role.

  3. On the Permissions subtab of the Role page, click the Custom Record subtab.

  4. Add a row for CFOP Codes by doing the following steps:

    1. In the Record column, select CFOP Codes.

    2. In the Level column, select Full.

    3. Click Add.

  5. Add a row for MCN Codes by doing the following steps:

    1. In the Record column, select MCN Codes.

    2. In the Level column, select Full.

    3. Click Add.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  8. Edit the following deployments:

    • BR NCM Codes CS

    • BR NCM Codes UE

    • BR CFOP Codes CS

    • BR CFOP Codes UE

    1. Click the Edit link next to the deployment,

    2. On the Audience subtab, select the custom role to which you want to give access.


      Do not replace the existing audience. Only add your custom role to the audience. To add your custom role to the Role field, press the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click your custom role. For more information about using the Audience tab, see Defining Script Audience.

    3. Click Save.

Granting Custom Roles Access to the Subsidiaries List for Brazil

With the Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp, if you want to be able to access vendor records, besides the permission to access vendor records, you must also have the permission to access the subsidiaries list. Permissions are linked to the roles assigned to users.

To grant custom roles access to the subsidiaries list:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

  2. Find the custom role to which you want to grant the permission and click Edit.

  3. On the Permissions subtab , click the Lists subtab.

  4. Add the Subsidiaries permission.

    To add the Subsidiaries permission:

    1. Click a line in the list, and then click Insert, or click the blank line at the bottom of a list.

    2. On the Permission column, select Subsidiaries.

    3. On the Level column, select the access level you want to grant to the role.

      You can select any of the available access levels. Select it according to your company’s best practices and the role you are setting up. For more information about each access level, see Access Levels for Permissions.

    4. Click Add.

  5. Click Save.

Brazilian Business Terminology

The following table defines the terms used in NetSuite to support Brazil-specific business processes:


Código Fiscal de Operações e Prestações. It is a code that describes the nature of the transaction. The code contains information on the origin of the goods, as well as the type of operation, such as sales, returns, stock transfers, or services.


Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Jurídicas. It is the tax ID for legal entities (incorporated taxpayers) in Brazil. Contains 14 digits.


Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas. It is the tax ID for individuals in Brazil. Contains 11 digits.


Mercosur Common Nomenclature. It is the standard adopted since 1995 by Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay to categorize goods for taxation purposes. It is similar to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) of tariff nomenclature that is being used by other countries.

Municipal subscription

Inscrição Municipal. Brazilian municipal tax identification number of a company.

State subscription

Inscrição Estadual. Brazilian state tax identification number of a company.

SUFRAMA subscription

Tax code used by companies when doing business in the Manaus Free Zone. SUFRAMA is the agency that oversees the operations involving the tax-free zone of Manaus in the Amazon state (Zone Franca).

Fields and Records for Brazil

The Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp provides custom fields and records intended for companies and subsidiaries in Brazil. After you install the SuiteApp, the custom fields and records are added to your account.

You can add or update the field values through the user interface, CSV import, web service, SuiteScript, or web store. The following table indicates the supported contexts for specific fields.

Records and fields

Supported Contexts

MCN Code

UI, web service, SuiteScript, CSV import


UI, web service, SuiteScript, CSV import

Custom fields on item records (inventory, non-inventory, item group, kit/package, other charge):

  • Item Usage

  • Item Origin

  • MCN Code

UI, web service, SuiteScript, CSV import

Custom fields on customer and vendor records:

  • CNPJ

  • CPF

  • State Tax Subscription

  • Municipal Subscription

  • SUFRAMA Subscription

UI, web service, SuiteScript, CSV import

Custom fields on transaction record:

  • CFOP (Incoming)

  • CFOP (Outgoing)

UI, web service, SuiteScript, CSV import, web store

Custom fields on Company Information page and subsidiary record:

  • CNPJ

  • State Tax Subscription

  • Municipal Subscription

  • SUFRAMA Subscription

UI, web service, SuiteScript

Related Topics:

General Notices