Withdrawing Inventory

Use the Withdraw by Transfer Order form to withdraw inventory out of multiple locations into one location. This is useful at the end of a season when individual stores need to remove inventory that did not sell during the intended season.

For example, at the end of the season to sell swimsuits, a retailer can withdraw swimsuit stock from the retail location to store the items in a centralized warehouse. Keeping an item stocked at a retail location has a high holding cost. Warehouse storage has a lower holding cost and also makes retail shelf space available for other products more appropriate to the current season. The transfer withdrawal identifies all stock of the item at one or more retail store locations and transfers it to the warehouse.

Merchandise planners can also assess slow moving inventory and use the Transfer Order Withdrawal to optimize inventory distribution over locations.

To withdraw inventory by transfer order:

  1. Go to Transactions > Inventory > Withdraw by Transfer Order.

  2. The current date autofills the Date field. Enter a different date if needed. This date populates in the header on the transfer orders created.

  3. In the From Subsidiary field, select the subsidiary where the items will be taken from. The selection you make in this field determines which locations are available to be selected in the From Location field.

    For example, if you select Subsidiary B here, you can choose a source location from a list of locations limited to only those associated with Subsidiary B.


    This field is required. This field shows only in OneWorld accounts.

  4. In the To Subsidiary field, select the subsidiary where the items are to be received. The selection you make in this field determines which locations are available to be selected in the To Location field.

    For example, if you select Subsidiary B here, you can choose a destination location from a list of locations limited to only those associated with Subsidiary B.

    This field shows only in OneWorld accounts.

  5. In the From Location field, select the location where you want to remove items. The location you choose will have its inventory reduced.

  6. In the To Location field, select the location where you want to send the items. The location you choose will have its inventory increased.

  7. Select a Department or Class to associate with this transfer as needed. These classifications populate in the header on the transfer orders created.

  8. Check the Use Distribution Network box if you use the Distribution Resource Planning feature and want to use a distribution network that you have set up.

    After you have set up the Distribution Resource Planning feature, NetSuite can transfer inventory based on the established relationships between the source and destination location. If an item is associated with a distribution category and a distribution network, NetSuite can use the bill of distribution to withdraw inventory by transfer order. When you check the Use Distribution Network box on the Withdraw by Transfer Order form and the To Location is selected, NetSuite displays in the From Location field only locations that are associated by the preset bill of distribution.

    For more details about the Distribution Resource Planning feature, read Distribution Resource Planning.

  9. If you use the Multiple Units of Measure feature, in the Unit field, choose to display item quantities in the Base Unit or Stock Unit of measure.

  10. Check the box next to each item you want to transfer.

    1. Lead Time is the average number of days between ordering an item from a vendor and receiving it.

      • If you use the Distribution Resource Planning feature, then the lead time shown is based on the bill of distribution.

      • If the bill of distribution does not specify a lead time, then the lead time shown is based on the item record.

      • If lead time is not specified on either the bill of distribution or the item record, then the lead time shown is based on set inventory management preferences. For details, read Setting Up Advanced Inventory Management.

      You can change the default as necessary.

    2. The Transfer Quantity field displays recommended quantity to transfer. NetSuite recommends by default to withdraw the entire available quantity in the From Location.

    3. The Transfer Price column displays the transfer price indicated on the item record.

  11. Click Submit.

The transfer orders created are consolidated if the From Location and To Location are the same.


After submitting the form, you can view the status of order creation at Transactions > Inventory > Withdraw Transfer Order > Status.

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