Adding or Removing a Field from the Default Asset Report Template


You should use the following procedure to customize the asset report templates.

To add or remove a field from the default report template:

  1. Open the default asset report template that you want to modify.

  2. Locate the asset loop part in the default template.

    On the asset register template, this starts with <#list report.recmachcustrecord_assetregister_repparent as line> and ends with its corresponding </#list>.

    Asset loop location on the asset register template

    On the depreciation schedule template, this starts with <#list report.recmachcustrecord_fam_schedrepline_parent as line> and ends with its corresponding </#list>.

    Asset loop location on the depreciation schedule template
  3. In Freemarker notation, add a new variable inside the asset loop of the default template. Insert a ‘line’ prefix to the ID of the new field.

    For example, if the ID you defined in Step 1 is custrecord_ds_cust_asset_status, this would appear in the template as: ${line.custrecord_ds_cust_asset_status}.

    Adding a variable inside the asset loop
  4. Add more variables depending on the number of fields that you want to add to your template.

  5. If you want to remove a field from the report template, delete the variable that contains the ID of the field.

  6. Save your custom template.

    To ensure that the system recognizes your custom template, make sure that you add the following report name prefixes to the custom template filename:

    • FAM_AR – for asset register report template (for example, FAM_AR_CustomTemplate.xml)

    • FAM_AS – for asset summary report template (for example, FAM_AS_CustomTemplate.xml)

    • FAM_DS – for depreciation schedule report template (for example, FAM_DS_CustomTemplate.xml)

    • FAM_DM — for Depreciation Monthly report template (for example, FAM_DM_CustomTemplate.xml)

    • FAM_AL — for Asset Listing report template (for example, FAM_AL_CustomTemplate.xml)

  7. Upload your custom template to the file cabinet.

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