Customizing Login and Logout Behavior

You can customize the behavior when a user logs in to NetSuite and the behavior when a user logs out of NetSuite.

Using a Redirect Parameter

You can redirect users, after login, to a specific landing page in the NetSuite UI. For example, you might want to have NetSuite open on a Customer record, or on a Support Case record.

To redirect a user to a particular page after login:

  1. Add a redirect hidden field to the login form in your hosted HTML page, for example:

                    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="/app/center/" > 
  2. Follow the steps in the procedure in the section Creating a Custom Login Page.

Using a Role Parameter

You can choose a preferred role for users to log in with to the NetSuite UI. The value of the value parameter is the role ID.


To find the role ID, go to Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > Manage Roles, and click the role name link. The role ID is visible in the role page URL. See the following example:

To choose a role for user to log in with:

  1. Add a role redirect hidden field to the login form in your hosted HTML page, for example:

                    <input type="hidden" name="role" value="3" > 
  2. Follow the steps in the procedure in the section Creating a Custom Login Page.

Displaying an Error Message

When someone attempts to log in with the wrong password or email, you can display an error on your hosted login page. This lets you maintain consistent company branding on the login page, instead of redirecting to a generic NetSuite error page.

To display an error message on your custom login page:

  1. Add an error redirect hidden field to the login form in your hosted HTML page, for example:

                    <input type="hidden" name="errorredirect" value="/core/media/" > 
  2. Create a separate version of your HTML login page that includes the error message, or implement conditional logic in your custom HTML login page.

  3. Follow the steps in the procedure in the section Creating a Custom Login Page.

Customizing Logout Behavior

You can connect your company website's look and feel with the NetSuite application by specifying a landing page when users log out of a NetSuite center.

To specify a landing page for logout:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences

  2. Click the Centers subtab and select the appropriate center.

  3. Enter the URL to the Log Out Landing Page field.

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