Making Web Site Hosting Files Always Available

You can use the Available Without Login box on file records to restrict external access to individual files. However, files you want to publish on a company intranet or an e-commerce website must have the Available Without Login box checked to be displayed correctly on your website.

Web Site Hosting Files Always Available and SuiteBundle Files Always Available are general company preferences in NetSuite. Both preferences are checked by default. They affect how files in the Web Site Hosting Files folder and files in the SuiteBundles folder are made available online. These global settings override the Available Without Login and the Company-Wide Usage boxes on individual file records. To clear the general preferences, go to Setup > Company > General Preferences.

Files added to the Web Site Hosting Files folders using Add File or Advanced Add are automatically available without login. On Advanced Add, the Make All Files Available Without Login box is checked by default. When a file is added using Add File, the Available Without Login setting is applied automatically for these folders.

The Available Without Login setting makes website assets accessible on your shopping domain. In this way, visitors to your e-commerce website can view images and website content using their web browsers. The Available Without Login setting appears as a box on all file records in the File Cabinet.

By default, files uploaded using SuiteScript are available only with login, regardless of which folders the files are saved in. To make files uploaded using SuiteScript available without login, you must set the parameter on the upload script or check the Available Without Login box.

Files uploaded using Web Services files use the same available without login rules as files uploaded using SuiteScript. For more information, see SuiteScript File Object Members and SOAP Web Services File Record Field Definitions.


The Company-Wide Usage box on individual file records does not affect whether the file is accessible on your website or not. File availability on the website is controlled only by the Web Site Hosting Files Always Available preference and the Available Without Login setting.

SuiteScript (.ss files) and SuiteScript Server Pages (.ssp files) stored in the Web Site Hosting Files Folder function as executable files. Both general preferences and individual file settings are overridden by Audience settings on the Permission subtab on each file. Depending on the settings on the Permissions subtab, these files return either the expected script response value or a Permission Violation.

Setting the General Preferences

When the Web Site Hosting Files Always Available box is checked, your settings for the Available Without Login box are ignored on individual file records. Files stored in the Web Site Hosting Files folder is accessible for all URLs listed on the file record. Anyone can access these files on a NetSuite shopping domain or a custom domain that you set up in NetSuite. Both JavaScript server-side and JavaScript client-side files are available to download.

When the SuiteBundle Files Always Available box is checked, your settings for the Available Without Login boxes on individual files are ignored. Files stored in the SuiteBundles folder are accessible for any URL listed in the file.

Clearing the General Preferences

When the Web Site Hosting Files Always Available box is cleared, your settings for the Available Without Login box are recognized and applied on individual files. You can clear the Available Without Login box on individual files stored in the Web Site Hosting Files to make them unavailable on a shopping domain. Files with the Available Without Login box cleared, return 404 Not Found errors when accessed using a shopping domain.

When the SuiteBundle Files Always Available box is cleared, your settings for the Available Without Login boxes are recognized and applied on individual files.


If the Available Without Login box is cleared on image files published to your website, those images are not displayed, and the website may appear broken.

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