Chart of Accounts Mapping for Reclassification

This topic is for Advanced Revenue Management (Essentials) and Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation). The help topics for Multi-Book Accounting describe the requirements and behavior for the classic revenue recognition features. For more information, see Revenue and Expense Management in the Multi-Book Accounting help.

When you use the Multi-Book Accounting and Chart of Accounts Mapping features, you can derive the accounts for secondary accounting books using account mapping. The first two steps of reclassification, the allocation and foreign currency variance adjustments, use the accounts on the revenue elements. The default account values on the revenue elements are derived from the item record. Use item account mapping for these accounts. For information, see Item Account Mapping.

The unbilled receivable adjustment also uses accounts on the revenue elements for the deferred revenue side of the journal entry. The account selected in the accounting preference Unbilled Contract Asset Account is used for the unbilled receivable side of the journal entry.

The system unbilled receivable account cannot be mapped to another account. If you want to use account mapping, be sure to select a different account in the Unbilled Contract Asset Account accounting preference. Use global account mapping to map the unbilled contract asset account. For information, see Global Account Mapping.

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