SCIS Filter Settings

Click the Filters subtab, and then select the location, website, and subsidiary where you want these settings to apply. You can select more than one value in each box. If you use multiple SCIS websites, note that one SCIS settings record is applied depending on the combination of location, subsidiary, and website defined on the filters subtab. Also note that those settings affect the settings available to employees when they log in.


Consider that the combination of location and subsidiary defined on the employee record must match those settings on the appropriate SCIS Settings record. By default, the filters are set to apply to all locations, websites, and subsidiaries.

SCIS Filters subtab

For more information about setting up SCIS for different locations and subsidiaries, read Setting Up SCIS for Multiple Countries.

Related Topics

SCIS Settings
General SCIS Settings
SCIS Settings for Printing
SCIS Customer Settings
SCIS Custom Attributes for PDP, Cart, Item, and Customer Search
SCIS Settings for Orders
QuickAdd Bar and Forms Settings for SCIS
SCIS Settings for Receipts
Selecting Sales Reports for SCIS
SCIS Cash Drawer Management Settings
Configuring Employee Records for SCIS
Configuring Locations for SCIS

General Notices