2023.2.x Minor Releases

Refer to the following minor release notes for the latest updates to SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced:

2023.2.4 Minor Release of SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced


  • Removed the gulp tasks related to LibSass and its Node.js dependencies.

    Starting from the 2024.1 release of NetSuite, the LibSass library will no longer be supported. Therefore, the commands to compile using the libsassNew gulp task in the theme and extension developer tools have been removed.

  • You can now select whether to display the quantity of in-stock items on the out-of-stock error message. The error message displays on the review page of your Commerce website’s checkout flow if a customer orders a larger quantity of an item than you have in stock. The customer can then edit their order to request a quantity of the item that correlates with the quantity that you have in stock.

    A new checkbox, Show Quantity Available on the Out-of-Stock Error Message, has been added to the SuiteCommerce Configuration. Check this box to include the quantity of items that are available in the out-of-stock error message. See Out-of-Stock Messaging During Checkout.

The following SuiteCommerce configuration property has been added with the 2022.2.4 release. Refer to the appropriate section for more information.

Property Label (SuiteCommerce Configuration Record)

Property ID

More Information

Property Location (SuiteCommerce Configuration Record Tab > Subtab)

Show Quantity Available on the Out-of-Stock Error Message


Quantity Stock Message Subtab

Checkout > Quantity Stock Message


  • Fixed an issue that prevented customers from toggle viewing all items included in their order.

    This issue occurred when customers used a mobile device to access the My Account > Purchases > Purchase History area of a Commerce website and clicked on Purchase Order for an order with a status of Pending Approval or Pending Fulfillment. In some cases, the arrow toggle that expands/collapses to display/hide the items in the order did not respond when customers clicked it.

  • Fixed an issue in the Purchase History area of Commerce websites that caused all records in a purchase order row to be clickable.

    The only record that should contain a clickable link is the purchase number.

  • Fixed an issue that caused sales orders not to be displayed in the Purchase History area of Commerce websites.

    This issue occurred when a sales order had multiple email contacts and the Shopping Cart Sharing mode on the website setup record in NetSuite was set to Individual Carts for Each Customer Contact.

  • Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect quantity and amount value to be displayed in credit memos in the My Account > Billing > Transaction History area of Commerce websites.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented customers from changing the preferred store location for store pickup orders in their shopping cart.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Google Tag Manager AddtoCart event to be called twice instead of one time.

2023.2.3 Minor Release of SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced


  • Fixed the tracking links under Purchase History so that they correctly redirect to the tracking information of the orders.

  • Fixed an issue that was causing Quantity Pricing Schedule rate and Total Amount to be calculated incorrectly.

2023.2.2 Minor Release of SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced


  • Fixed an issue that caused the menu to be omitted from some SuiteCommerce MyAccount websites when using the SuiteCommerce Base Theme version 2023.2.0.

  • Fixed an issue that caused credit card images to be displayed incorrectly in the Placed Orders area of SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced websites. The error occurred for tokenized credit cards.

  • Fixed an error in the SuiteCommerce Extensibility API that caused the getCookieOptions method to change the value of an instance by adding an additional property.


    The getCookieOptions method retrieves cookie preferences. The SuiteCommerce Analytics Data feature uses your customers’ cookie preferences to determine whether their website behavior data can be processed in NetSuite.

  • Fixed an issue with the guest checkout experience when using PayPal that caused the 500 error, TypeError: Cannot read property "length" from null, to be returned.

2023.2.1 Minor Release of SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced


  • Fixed an issue that prevented customers from successfully logging in to your web store or proceeding to the checkout page if both of the following conditions existed:

    • Google Analytics 4 was installed on your web store.

    • A malware plugin or ad blocker was active on the customer’s browser.

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in an error, "Phone number is required," when customers updated their address in the My Account area of your website and left the phone number field blank. The phone number field is optional and customers can now update their address without providing a phone number.

  • Fixed an issue with the SEO Page Generator that added a "noscript" tag around images. This caused images to be unavailable for SEO if JavaScript was used on the web page.

  • Fixed an issue that caused an error to occur when guest users attempted to make ACH payments.

  • Fixed an issue that caused invoice headers to contain mismatched data if the feature, Enable Invoice Columns Management, was enabled.

General Notices