Creating a Custom Record Type for a Customer Survey
The first step is to create a custom record type and link it to the customer record.
This task requires permission to create custom record types. By default, marketing roles do not have this permission. Therefore, this step requires an administrator or a customized role to complete.
To create a custom record type for a customer survey:
Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > New.
Enter a name for the record type, such as Customer Survey.
Clear the Include Name Field box.
Click Save.
Next, create a field to link the customer survey record to the customer record. Customer records are the parent records for customer surveys.
To create a custom field to link a survey to the customer record:
On the Fields subtab, click the New Field button. A new field page opens.
In the Label field, type Customer.
In the Type field, select List/Record.
In the List/Record field, select Customer.
Check the Record is Parent box.
Click Save.
The custom record page appears with the Customer field listed on the Fields subtab.
Next, create other fields for the questions you want to include in your survey.
To create fields for the questions in the survey:
Click the New Field button.
In the Label field, enter a name for the custom record field.
In the Type field, select the type of field this will be. For example, select Free-form text to create a basic text field.
Click Save.
The custom record page appears with your new field added to the Fields subtab.
Repeat these steps for each question you want to add to the record.
Now you can create a new record of this type. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > New. Click the New Record link next to your Customer Survey record.
NetSuite provides a list of completed surveys (those completed by you and those completed by customers). To view the list, click the List link on the Record Types page.