Assigning the Advanced Partner Center Role

On partner records, you can assign partners the Standard Partner Center role or the Advanced Partner Center role. Alternatively, you can create a role by customizing the Advanced Partner Center role. For information about the Advanced Partner Center, see The Advanced Partner Center.

When you assign partners the Advanced Partner Center role, they have access to the default records, transactions, and reports available in the Advanced Partner Center.

Assign the Advanced Partner Center Role

To assign the Partner Center role to a partner, the Partner Access feature must be enabled. An administrator can enable the Partner Access feature at Setup > Company > Enable Features (Administrator) > Web Presence subtab. Under the Access section, check both the Partner Access and the Advanced Partner Access boxes.

To assign the Advanced Partner Center role:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Partners.

  2. Click Edit on the required partner record.

  3. Click the Access subtab.

  4. Check the Give Access box.

    In the Role field, Advanced Partner Center is selected, by default. If you have customized the Advanced Partner Center role for this partner, select the name of that custom role here.

  5. Check the Send New Access Notification Email box to inform the user how to access your NetSuite account. The standard user access notification includes the email address to use for logging in to NetSuite. It also contains a URL so that the user can set up a NetSuite password.

  6. If you want to allow this partner to give access to subpartners, check the Can Give Login Access to Subpartners box.

  7. Click Save.

Now, your partner can access information in your NetSuite account. When your partner logs in, the partner can update the profile and view reports based on sales related to your partnership.

You can preview what your partner sees by clicking View next to the partner record from the Partners list. Click the Access subtab, click the Log in as partner link.

Best practice is to let partners set up a NetSuite password for themselves. However, if you prefer to assign user passwords yourself, see Manually Assign a Password to an Advanced Partner Center Role instead.


If you use the Log in as partner link and make changes in your partner’s account, NetSuite saves the changes.

Manually Assign a Password to an Advanced Partner Center Role

You should use the procedure in Assign the Advanced Partner Center Role that lets users set up a NetSuite password for themselves. However, if you prefer to assign a user’s password yourself, use the following procedure.

To manually assign a password:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Partners.

  2. Click Edit next to the user that you want to assign a role to.

  3. Click the Access subtab.

  4. Check the Give Access box.

    In the Role field, Advanced Partner Center is selected by default. If you have customized the Advanced Partner Center role for this partner, select the name of that custom role here.

  5. Do not check the Send New Access Notification Email box.

  6. Check the Manually Assign or Change Password box.

  7. Enter a password for your user. As you type, NetSuite validates the characters against the password policy criteria and displays the results.


    If you need more information, see NetSuite Password Requirements.

  8. Enter the password again for verification.

  9. Check the Require Password Change on Next Login box to require the user to change the password on the next log in to NetSuite.

    On the next log in, users see the Change Password page. Users cannot access other NetSuite pages until they create and save a new password.

    This option protects your account from unauthorized access with generic passwords, and prepares your account for an audit.


    The Require Password Change on Next Login box never displays with a check mark. When you check this box and save the record, NetSuite sets an internal flag. When the password change occurs, the flag clears. If you later check the box again and save the record, NetSuite resets the internal flag to require another password change.

  10. If you want to allow this partner to give access to subpartners, check the Can Give Login Access to Subpartners box.

  11. When you have finished entering information, click Save.

  12. Tell your user the appropriate login page, email address to use for log in, and the assigned password. For security reasons, do not email the password.

    The NetSuite login page for Partners is or Users can enter in a browser, which resolves to the standard NetSuite login page.

Your partner now has access to everything they need without gaining access to anything you do not want them to see. You can use the Partner Activity Summary and Partner Activity Detail reports to view what communication each partner has with customers.


With the Advanced Partner Center, you can give partners access to specific item records. On each item record, check the Available in Partner Center box. This option makes the item available to partners with permission to view, edit or create items. This box is clear by default.

You can customize the Advanced Partner Center role to allow access to any other transactions, records, and reports in NetSuite. Each time you customize the Advanced Partner Center role, you create a new role that you can assign to a partner. Customized Advanced Partner Center roles let you decide which partners can view, edit, or create specific records, transactions, and reports. To learn how to customize a role, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

You can preview what your partner sees by clicking View next to the partner record from the Partners list. Click the Access subtab, and then the Log in as partner link.


If you use the Log in as partner link and make changes in your partner’s account, NetSuite saves the changes.


The Customize Role page for the Advanced Partner Center has a Partner Restriction field. This field lets you set the general level of access to give to partners. The field is set to own and subordinates only by default. If you use classifications, you can also set restrictions for departments, locations, and classes.

You can publish a specialized dashboard to the Advanced Partner Center. This dashboard would be available to all partners with the Advanced Partner Center role, and to all of their contacts. See Publishing Dashboards.

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