Publishing Dashboards

The NetSuite user interface is role-based, so that your role determines the set of tabbed pages, or center, that displays when you log in. Centers are tied to functional areas, such as Accounting, Marketing, Sales, and Support. NetSuite provides a default visual workspace, or dashboard, for each tabbed page, and lets you personalize your dashboards to fit your business. Administrators can share, or publish, their personalized dashboards to users logging in to the same center. A published dashboard can include one tabbed page, or multiple pages.

Published dashboards provide a consistent interface to users with related roles. This uniformity in dashboards' appearance can help users work together, because they have ready access to the same data. Publishing dashboards also can save time, by allowing an administrator to set up dashboards for an entire team of users.

Permissions and Roles

To get started publishing dashboards, you need to understand the following:

Publishing a Dashboard

To publish a dashboard, you need to complete the following two steps:

  1. Personalize the dashboard you want to publish – After you have verified that you have the Publish Dashboards permission, and logged in with the appropriate role, the next step to publishing a dashboard is to personalize one or more of your own tabbed pages to fit the team's business needs. Personalization can involve changes you make to the standard NetSuite tabs or the creation of custom tabs of your own. See Dashboard Personalization and Creating Center Tabs.

  2. Publish the dashboard – When you have finished personalizing your own tabbed pages, you can publish one or more of them to appear on other users' tabs. See Publishing a Dashboard.

    When you publish a dashboard, you make the following choices. Note that some choices can be changed after you have published the dashboard, and others cannot.

    • The roles to which the dashboard should be published. (Can be changed later.)

    • Whether the dashboard should be published to new users only or to both existing and new users, replacing existing users' dashboards. (Can be changed later.)

    • The tabbed pages to include in the dashboard. (Cannot be changed later.)

    • The restriction levels for users' dashboard personalizations. (Cannot be changed later.)

After you have published a dashboard, you can make further changes to it and copy your published dashboard to any of your accounts. See the following topics:

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General Notices