Report Snapshots

NetSuite includes a large number of standard reports that you can run to obtain detailed information about your business. For immediate access to reports' summary data, NetSuite enables you to add Report Snapshot portlets to your dashboard. Report Snapshot portlets offer quick looks at important business results every time you view your dashboard.

Each Report Snapshot portlet displays a high-level summary of a report's results for a selected date or time period. You can configure the number and order of results, and choose the format that is most useful for you, including four different chart types, or a list. You can define the look and feel of each chart by setting its theme and background. Additionally, you can expand the portlet to full-screen view by clicking the double arrow icon Double Arrow icon. Each portlet also includes menu options to print content, to download content to a PNG, JPG, PDF, or SVG file, and to view the underlying report's detailed data.

When you roll over a data point in a report snapshot chart, its value displays.

Report Snapshot portlet

Adding Report Snapshots

For instructions for adding Report Snapshot portlets to your dashboard, see Adding a Report Snapshot Portlet. The available snapshots vary according to enabled features, and each user's roles and permissions. For more information about roles in NetSuite, see NetSuite Roles Overview. Available snapshots may include the following:

Using Report Snapshots

After you have added a report snapshot to your dashboard, you can configure the data that is displayed.

For more information, see Setting Up a Report Snapshot Portlet.

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