Adding a Report Snapshot Portlet

You can add Report Snapshot portlets to some dashboard pages. The report snapshots that are available for display in a dashboard portlet depend on your role and the features you have enabled. A report snapshot is available to you if you have permission to view the underlying report's data.

To add a Report Snapshot portlet to a page:

  1. Click Personalize in the upper right corner of the dashboard. You can also use the Personalize Dashboard link in the Settings portlet.

  2. On the Report Snapshots tab of the Personalize Dashboard palette, click the Report Snapshots icon or drag it onto the dashboard.

    If the Report Snapshots tab does not display in the Personalize Dashboard panel, it means you cannot add Report Snapshot portlets to this page.

  3. Click Set Up in the portlet’s menu to select the report snapshot you want to be displayed in the portlet.

The snapshots you have added appear in portlets on the page. When you log in, the information in each portlet refreshes.


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