Setup Options for Comparative Sales Report Snapshots

Most report snapshots let you compare at most two date ranges. For Comparative Sales Report Snapshots, including Comparative Sales, Comparative Sales (Orders), and Comparative Sales (Orders Alt. Sales), you can choose whether to compare two or three date ranges in a snapshot line graph. For both two and three data point comparisons, several standard date range sets are provided. Additionally, you can define custom date ranges for either sort of comparison, of the type you choose: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

Report setup options are different for comparative sales report snapshots than for other report snapshots. Click Set Up in this type of portlet to open a popup where you can:

You also can select or change a standard date range comparison from a dropdown list in the portlet, and click portlet thumbnails to change the type of chart displayed.

Standard Two-Point Date Range Comparisons

The following standard date range sets are available for two data point comparisons:

For more information, see Setting Up KPI Comparisons.

Standard Three-Point Date Range Comparisons

The following standard date range sets are available for three data point comparisons:

For more information, see Setting Up KPI Comparisons.

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