Dashboard Personalization

NetSuite provides a default set of dashboard portlets for each tab in each center. Depending on your role, you can personalize most default dashboard configurations. The Settings portlet and a few other portlets are required on many dashboards and cannot be removed.

You may want to personalize only your home page dashboard, or you may want to change dashboards on other pages that you use frequently. In addition to changing page content, you can set personal preferences that apply to all pages by going to Home > Set Preferences. For example, use Set Preferences to specify your preferred color scheme and number formatting. For information, see Setting Personal Preferences.

Dashboard Personalization for Users

If your administrator has published a dashboard for one of your NetSuite tabs, you may not be able to personalize that page's dashboard yourself. The personalization options vary depending on the mode of the published dashboard. The available modes are as follows:

Dashboard Personalization for Administrators

If you are an administrator, you can personalize your dashboard and then share it with users whose roles share your center. For information, see Publishing Dashboards.

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