Setting Personal Preferences

This section of NetSuite Basics describes the preferences that are available to you as a NetSuite user. The Set Preferences page displays options for most aspects of your NetSuite account. These preferences enable you to set up your NetSuite account to fit your needs. Your user preferences are constrained by the features enabled for your account, company account-level preferences, and the role-based dashboards that are set up by your account administrator.


Your password is not a personal preference, it is a setting in NetSuite. If you want to change your password, see Change Password Link. See also Finding Your Settings Portlet.

These preferences are specific to your NetSuite role. If you have multiple roles in NetSuite, the preferences you set in one role usually do not affect your other NetSuite roles. For example, changing the preference for date format does affect all of your roles. However, changing the color for the NetSuite application only affects the role where you set the preference. The preferences you set do not apply to other NetSuite users even if they are assigned the same role as you are.

Your account administrator can set preferences that may apply to you by default. The preferences your administrator sets can be for all users logging in with a role, for all users in a company, or if you are using NetSuite OneWorld, for all users in a subsidiary. See NetSuite Preference Levels Overview. However, the personal preferences you set normally take precedence over these other preferences set for a role, subsidiary, or company.

To set your personal preferences:

  1. Go to Home > Set Preferences.

  2. Click a subtab on the Set Preferences page to edit your preferences for a specific area of NetSuite.

  3. When you are finished setting preferences, click Save.

    You can set preferences on multiple subtabs before you click Save.

    Your changes appear on the next transaction, or record you enter, or the next time you visit a page in NetSuite.

The topics listed below describe the options available on each subtab of the Set Preferences page:

Related Topics

General Notices