Adding Items to a Check
Items are goods and services that you acquire. When you write a check, you can add items from the list of items you set up.
To add items to a check:
Go to Transactions > Bank > Write Checks.
On the top of the Check page, enter information about the payee, dates, the amount of the payment, and other information about the payment. For more information, see Writing Checks.
If the Auto Fill preference is turned off, click Auto Fill to fill information from the last transaction for this payee.
On the Expenses & Items subtab, click the Items subtab.
Select an item from the list and then fill in the quantity.
NetSuite fills in the description, rate, and amount.
Enter the serial or lot numbers, if necessary.
Enter an expiration date for the item, if appropriate.
In the Bin Numbers field, the preferred bin for the item is selected. If items with this transaction are to be stocked in other bins associated with this item, click the bin number. Click the Bins icon, edit quantities added to each bin, and click Done.
Select a Tax Code to populate the Tax Rate field.
Set Options, if required.
Enter the customer or project associated with this item.
Select a department, class, and location to associate with this transaction, if used.
If this is billable, check the Billable box.
Check the Update Item Price box to change the purchase price for this item.
Click Add.
Repeat step 3, add items.
Save the transaction.
If you use voucher checks, you can print a maximum of 19 line items on each check. If you have more than 19 line items for a single check, the items do not appear on the voucher.