Processing Customer Refunds

Perform these steps to generate payment files for customer refund payments.

You can select multiple customer refunds to process. Payment instructions for all selected customer refunds are included in a single payment file.


Make sure that the customer refund records that you are generating payment files for have previously been entered in NetSuite before performing this task. For more information, see Refunding an Open Balance.


When processing a customer refund, you must select the mode of payment on the customer payment record. If you check the For Electronic Bank Payment (Direct Debit) box, the Check# field and other payment options are automatically cleared in the customer refund when you save the record.

The Check# or To EFT fields are automatically filled depending on the default setting on the customer record. When selecting a refund method, you can change the Check# or To EFT fields manually.

When you change the account number, the system clears the default setting. The To EFT box is cleared and the Check# field value is automatically filled.

To pay customer refunds:

  1. Go to Payments > Payment Processing > Customer Refund Payments.

  2. Complete the following fields:



    Bank Account

    Select your company bank account where the customer refund payments are posted. For information on setting up company bank account records, see Setting Up Bank Records.

    The payment file format, maximum number of payments, and subsidiary of the payment file are based on the bank account that you select.

    Date from

    Limit the list of customer refunds to only those approved on a particular date or later.

    To limit the customer refunds to those approved within a range of dates, enter values for both Date from and Date to fields.

    Date to

    Limit the list of customer refunds to only those approved on a particular date or earlier.

    To limit the customer refunds to those approved within a range of dates, enter values for both Date from and Date to fields.

    Amount From and Amount To

    Use these fields to narrow down the list of outstanding payment transactions by their transaction amount.

    • Use the Amount From field to list transactions that are equal or greater than the specified amount.

    • Use the Amount To field to list transactions that are equal or less than the specified amount.

    • Use both fields to list transactions that are within a range of entered amounts.


    Narrow down the list of customer refunds to process to a particular customer.

    The customers list is displayed when the following criteria is met for Bank Payment Details (Debit and Credit):

    • When a subsidiary is not attached to a Customer Entity Bank:

      • Subsidiaries of company bank and primary customer must match.

      • File formats of company bank and customer entity bank must match.

      • Customer entity bank must be primary and active.

    • When a subsidiary is attached to a Customer Entity Bank:

      • Subsidiaries of company bank and primary customer must match.

      • File formats of company bank and customer entity bank must match.

      • Customer entity bank must be primary and active.

    Date to be Processed

    Specify the date when you want the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp to generate the payment files for the selected transactions.

    EFT File Reference Note

    Enter notes to display in the header portion of the generated payment file.


    The Select Transactions list shows customer refunds. Customer refunds that are not included are those that have check numbers, those that are marked To be Printed, and those that were voided. To display the Name column, go to Payments > Setup > Electronic Payments Preferences, click the General Preference subtab, and check the Include Name in Transaction List box.

  3. On the Select Transactions subtab, in the Pay column, check the box for the customer refund transactions that you want to process.

    In the Payment Information section, the following fields are automatically updated:

    • Number of Transactions – This field displays the total number of customer refund transactions that you selected for payment processing.

    • Total Payment Amount – This field displays the sum of the values in the Payment Amount column or the sum of customer refunds.

    Use the following fields and controls to filter the transactions list:

    • Select Page – Select a range of pages to display transactions included in those pages.

    • Transactions Per Page – Select the number of rows to be displayed per page.

    • Use the Mark All or Unmark All button to check or clear the box for all transactions in the list.


    The Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp currently processes up to 5,000 open customer refunds at a time. If you are processing more than 5,000 open bills, you can first process the first 5,000 bills before processing the remaining bills.

  4. Click Submit. You are redirected to the payment file record on the Payment File Administration form.

  5. Click Refresh until the value in the File Processed? field changes from Queued to Processed.

    When processed, a confirmation message is sent to your email address. The email message confirms that the payment file generation was successful or an error message indicating that the payment file generation failed.

  6. Click the download link in the File Reference field to save a copy of the payment file to your local drive.

    You can electronically send the file format to your bank or upload the file to your bank's electronic payment system.

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