Tracking the Unique Entity Number

If you have a Singapore company or subsidiary and you have Tax Audit File or the Singapore Localization SuiteApp installed, the UEN field is displayed in the following:

UEN (Unique Entity Number) is the standard identification number of an entity in Singapore, helping identify it in all interactions with government agencies. Starting January 1, 2009, all registered entities in Singapore such as the following should have a UEN:

Singapore law requires that the UEN replace all other identification numbers issued by different government agencies. To generate Singapore tax reports that complies with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) requirements, you must enter UEN values in your related records.

Note that the UEN field is different from the Tax Registration Number field. GST-registered businesses use the Tax Registration Number field to enter GST registration numbers that appears on tax invoices, simplified tax invoices and receipts.

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