Setting Up Tax Filing for United Kingdom


This topic is for NetSuite accounts that use the International Tax Reports SuiteApp. If you have the SuiteTax feature enabled in your account, see United Kingdom Tax Reporting Framework.

Using NetSuite, United Kingdom VAT-registered companies can submit VAT100 and EU Sales List (ESL) reports online to His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC). This feature requires the International Tax Reports SuiteApp.

You must set up your online tax filing details before you generate the VAT100 and ESL reports for United Kingdom. For more information, read the following topics:

United Kingdom VAT100 Online Filing Setup

To set up NetSuite for United Kingdom VAT100 online filing to HMRC:

  1. Go to Reports > VAT/GST > Tax Reports (International).

  2. If you are using a OneWorld account, select the United Kingdom VAT-registered subsidiary.

  3. In the Country Form field, select United Kingdom.

  4. Click Setup, then click Tax Filing.

    1. Enter the United Kingdom VAT details:

      • VAT Registration No. – United Kingdom VAT registration number

      • HMRC User ID – This field is automatically populated from the VAT registration number on the Company Information page or on the Subsidiary page.

      • Password – Enter the password used to log in to HMRC.

      • Output Folder for VAT100 – This is the File Cabinet folder where PDF files of your VAT100 submissions will be stored. A default folder is provided.

      • VAT Postcode – Enter the postcode for your business location.

    2. For Intrastat reporting, enter values in the following fields:

      • Intrastat Branch No. – Enter the branch number if your business has more than one branch location.

      • Output Folder for Intrastat – This is the File Cabinet folder where PDF files of your Intrastat reports will be stored. A default folder is provided.

    3. Select the VAT reporting period from the VAT Reporting Period dropdown list.

      • By Quarter – Only quarter periods can be submitted.

      • By Month – Only month periods can be submitted.

    4. Select the VAT accounting scheme from the multi-select field:

      • VAT Standard Accounting Scheme

      • VAT Cash Accounting Scheme

      • VAT Annual Accounting Scheme

      • VAT Flat Rate Scheme

      • VAT Margin Scheme

      • VAT Retail Scheme

    5. Click Save.

For information about the United Kingdom VAT100 report, see United Kingdom VAT100 Tax Report.

United Kingdom EU Sales List (ESL) Online Filing Setup

To set up NetSuite for United Kingdom EU Sales List online filing to HMRC:

  1. Go to Reports > VAT/GST > EU Sales List Report.

  2. If you are using a OneWorld account, select the United Kingdom VAT-registered subsidiary.

  3. In the Country Form field, select United Kingdom.

  4. Click Setup, then click EU Sales Filing.

    1. Enter the United Kingdom EU Sales List details:

      • VAT Registration No. – United Kingdom VAT registration number.

      • HMRC User ID – This field is automatically populated from the VAT registration number on the Company Information page or on the Subsidiary page.

      • Password – Enter the password used to log in to HMRC.

      • VAT Postcode – Enter the ESL postcode for your business location.

      • ESL Branch No. – Enter a branch number if your business has more than one branch location.

      • Output Folder ESL – This is the File Cabinet folder where PDF files of your ESL submissions will be stored. A default folder is provided.

      • Reporting Period – Select the ESL reporting period.

        • By Quarter – Only quarter periods can be submitted.

        • By Month – Only month periods can be submitted.

    2. Click Save.

For information about the United Kingdom EU Sales List report, see EU Sales List for United Kingdom.

Related Topics:

General Notices