Creating Item Coupons

You can offer coupon codes that apply to specific items when you enable the Promotion Codes feature.


An administrator can enable this feature on the Transactions subtab at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.

To create an item coupon:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New > Discount to set up the discount amount for the coupon.

    The dollar or percentage amount that you enter in the Rate field is the amount of discount.

    For more information about creating discount items, see Discount Items.

  2. Go to Lists > Marketing > Promotion Codes > New to set up a promotion code for this coupon. to set up a promotion code for this coupon.

    For more information about promotion codes, see Promotions.

  3. In the Promotion Code field, enter the code you want customers to use to receive the discount. Customers in your website will enter this code in the Coupon Code field at checkout.

  4. In the Discount field, select the name of the discount item you created for this coupon.

  5. In the Apply Discount To field, select First Sale Only to only allow this coupon to be used one time per customer.

    Select All Sales to allow the code to be used multiple times.

  6. In the Start Date Promotion field, enter the date this coupon becomes eligible for use.

  7. In the End Date Promotion field, enter the date this coupon expires.

  8. Check the Available to All Customers box to make this coupon code public.

    If you clear this box, only customers who are associated with partners you select on the Partners subtab can use this code.

  9. On the Items subtab, select and add each item that you want this discount to apply to.

  10. Check the Exclude Items box to have this discount apply to all items except the items you select.

  11. Click Save.

You can now provide customers with this code to use as a coupon for the items you selected.

Discounts are only applied to eligible items. For example, an item coupon allows $10 off on all cables. A cable is purchased for $9 and speakers at $40. Only $9 is discounted from the order. Discounts are applied before tax and shipping.

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