Adding Items to a Matrix

A matrix item is a series of the same item available in different options.

You create matrix items by setting up the options and creating a parent item. After you create your matrix, you can create subitems for each option combination. These different options can have varying prices. If you use the web store feature, each option and price displays in the item's list.


Before you add subitems, make sure that you have created custom lists to represent all options for subitems.

For example, you want to create subitems of different sizes and colors for a parent t-shirt item. You should first create a custom list of size values and a custom list of color values. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Lists > New. For more information, see Setting up Custom Lists.

To add items to a matrix:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. Click Edit next to the parent item to which you want to add items.

  3. If an item you are adding has a price different from the parent item, enter pricing information about the Pricing subtab.

    Prices are listed in the option list for the item in the web store.

  4. Click the Matrix subtab, and then review the lists of available values for each matrix option.

  5. Select option values that you want to be available as subitems of the parent item.

    • If a value you want to add for a matrix option is listed, select it.

    • If a value you want to add is not listed, click the plus button to open the popup window. Enter a name and abbreviation for the new value, and then click Save. The new value is selected automatically, and this value is also added to the custom list for that matrix option.

    • Pre-existing values must remain selected to avoid an error.

  6. Click Add Items.

  7. On the Add Matrix Items page, in the Include column, clear the boxes for any subitems you do not want to add.

  8. Click Submit.


You can add matrix items from CSV data files using the Import Assistant. For more information, see Importing Matrix Options for Items.

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