Removing Serial Numbers on Case Forms

When you use Serialized Inventory, a Serial Number field is added to the case entry form. When entering a case, select the customer and the item being supported in the case. If the item is a serialized item, the Serial Number field autofills with the serial numbers the customer has ordered or purchased.

If an item does not appear in the Item field when entering a case, go to Lists > Accounting > Items. Edit the item that you want to see in the case form. Check the Offer Support box in the top portion of the item screen, and then save. Then, you can select this item in the Item field when entering cases.

To remove the Serial Number field from the case form:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

  2. Click Customize next to the Standard Case Form, or click Edit next to your custom case form.

  3. In the Fields subtab, clear the Show box for Serial Number.

  4. Click Save.


The Serial Number field is not currently available on Online Case Forms.

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