Basic Bin Management

Basic Bin Management enables you to track regular, non-numbered inventory by associating items with bins in your location. When you add items to an order, you can specify the bins from which items should be picked. On item receipts, you can also choose the bins into which received items should be stored. By specifying bins on these transactions, warehouse operators know where to pick items from and where to put them away.

For more information, see Bin Management.

Basic Bin Management Setup

To set up basic Bin Management, complete the procedures in the following topics:

  1. Enable the Bin Management feature. See Enabling Bin Management Features.

  2. Optionally, you can set bin preferences. See Setting Bin Preferences.

  3. Add bins and assign each to a location. See Creating Bin Records.

  4. Enable the Use Bins setting for regular items that you track in bins and assign at least one bin. Optionally, you can also specify a preferred bin. See Setting Up Item Records for Bins.

  5. If you have items with existing transactions or quantities, you can assign them to bins using the basic Bin Put-Away Worksheet. See Updating Bin Putaway Worksheets.

Basic Bin Management Tasks

Basic Bin Management enables you to perform the following tasks for items that use bins:


The basic Bin Management feature does not permit you to use bins with serial or lot numbered items or on a per-location basis.

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General Notices