Creating a Purchase Order From a Purchase Request

A purchase request turns into a purchase order when it is approved.

When an employee enters a purchase request, it is routed to the employee's immediate supervisor. A request entered by an employee who does not have a supervisor automatically becomes a purchase order.

Supervisors can automatically be notified when they have requests to approve. Only an administrator can enable supervisor notification. To enable this feature, go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences. Check the Automatically Notify Supervisors box.

To approve a purchase request:

  1. Log in to the Employee Center.

  2. Go to Home > Purchase Requests > Approve Purchase Requests.

  3. On the Approve Purchase Orders page, in the Employee field, select the name of the employee who submitted the request.

  4. Check the box next to the purchase order you want to approve.

  5. Click Save.

If your company does not use Approval Routing, the request automatically becomes a purchase order as soon as the immediate supervisor approves it.

A supervisor or approver must have a purchase approval limit greater than or equal to the amount of the purchase request. If the amount is greater than the purchase approval limit, the request is sent to the next level of management. This process continues until it is approved by an authorized supervisor or approver. For more information, see Approval Routing.

In the Employee Center, your employees can view the status and approval history of their purchase requests by clicking View Purchase Requests/Orders.

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