Creating Case Priorities

You can create new case priorities to fit the needs of your support team's case workflow. This lets you customize the rankings you give to cases to convey which cases need to be answered first.

For example, instead of using the low, medium, and high priorities, Wolfe Electronics renames these three priorities to 1, 2, and 3. They then create additional priorities up to 10, with cases rated 1 having the highest priority, and cases rated 10 the lowest.

To create a case priority:

  1. Go to Setup > Support > Case Priorities > New.

  2. In the Case Priority field, enter a name for the new priority.

    This name appears in the Priority field on case records.

  3. In the Insert Before field, select where you would like this priority listed in the Priority field on case records.

    For example, you may want to arrange statuses in order of descending priority or alphabetically.

  4. Enter a description for cases that should be assigned this priority.

  5. Click Save.

You can now select this priority on case records.

Related Topics

Creating Case Types
Creating Case Origins
Creating Case Statuses
Creating Case Issues
Offering Support for Items
Setting Up Support Groups
Setting Customer Service Preferences
Marking Employees as Support Reps
Setting Up Support Checklist

General Notices