Select Type of SSL Certificate

The first step in acquiring a manual SSL certificate is to identify the type of certificate you need. One reason to prefer a manual certificate to the automatic certificate provided by NetSuite is if you require an Extended Validation (EV) certificate for your domain. EV is a special type of certificate that requires more extensive investigation for validating an entity before the certificate is issued.

You can select an SSL certificate from the vendor of your choice, but it must meet the following requirements:

For a list of certificate authorities, see the Mozilla Included CA Certificate List.


To test if a certificate is trusted by your selected web browser, click the link in the URL to Test Website or Example Cert column of the Mozilla Included CA Certificate List. You can purchase certificates from providers not listed in the Mozilla Included CA Certificate list, however they may not be trusted by all web browsers or by the NetSuite application. Contact your certificate provider for more information.

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