Integration with Third-Party Checkout Providers


Integration with third-party checkout providers is not available for SSP applications written in SuiteScript 2.0. For more information about SuiteScript 1.0, see SuiteScript 1.0 Guide.

For integration with third-party checkout providers such as PayPal Express and 3D Secure, you need to create request handlers (.ss files) for these providers and call these handlers from your frontend page (.ssp file). The request handlers should use proceedToCheckout(), as documented in ShoppingSession Methods. This method must pass checkoutsettings JSON object values as parameters. Note that this method can only be called from a secure (https) scheme. For more details, see:


The help topic, Integrating with 3D Secure (SCA Elbrus and Earlier), applies to 3D Secure 1 only. Support for 3D Secure 1 ended on October 15, 2022. Relying on 3D Secure 1 for your Site Builder or SuiteCommerce Advanced web store is expected to result in more failed or declined payment card transactions. See End of Support for 3D Secure 1 for more information, including information about migrating your website technologies from 3D Secure 1 to 3D Secure 2.

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