Creating Time-Based Promotions

You can offer items online for a special sale price that is valid only for a set amount of time. The script you create recognizes the date and time when the sale price is no longer valid, and reverts the price displayed online back to the original.


Follow the setup steps below to create three custom item fields and three corresponding item option fields that display information about the discount to shoppers onyour web store.

  1. Create three custom item fields.

    Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Item Fields > New. In the sample script, custom item fields were created as follows:

    1. Discount Price

      • In the Label field, enter Discount Price.

      • In the ID field, enter _discountprice.


        After you save the custom item field, the value for ID automatically changes to custitem _discountprice. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

      • Set Type to Currency

      • Check the Store Value box.

      • On the Applies To subtab, check the boxes next to the item type for which you will offer this discount.

      • Click Save.

    2. Discount Expiration Date

      • In the Label filed, enter Discount Expiration Date.

      • In the ID field, enter _discountexpirationdate.


        After you save the custom item field, the value for ID automatically changes to custitem _discountexpirationdate. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

      • Set Type to Date.

      • Check the Store Value box.

      • On the Applies To subtab, check the boxes next to the item type for which you will offer this discount.

    3. Discount Expiration Time

      • In the Label field, enter Discount Expiration Time.

      • In the ID field, enter _discountexpirationtime.


        After you save the custom item field, the value for ID automatically changes to custitem _discountexpirationtime. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

      • Set Type to Time of Day.

      • On the Applies To subtab, check the boxes next to the item type for which you will offer this discount.

  2. Create three transaction item options at Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Item Options.


    Shoppers on your web store will see the fields you create below. Create field labels for these transaction item options and set the order in which they display so that they make sense to online shoppers.

    1. Discount Price Column

      • In the Label field, enter Special Sale Price.

      • In the ID field, enter _discountprice.


        After you save the custom item option, the value for ID automatically changes to custcol _discountprice. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

      • Set the Type field to Currency.

      • Check the Store Value box.

      • On the Applies to subtab, check the Sale and Web Store boxes.

      • On the Display tab, set Display Type to Disabled.

      • On the Sourcing & Filtering subtab, set Source List to Item, and Source From to Discount Price.

      • Click Save.

    2. Discount Expiration Date

      • In the Label field, enter Special sale ends on.

      • In the ID field, enter _discountexpirationdate.


        After you save the custom item option, the value for ID automatically changes to custcol _discountexpirationdate. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

      • Set Type to Date.

      • Check the Store Value box.

      • On the Applies to subtab, check the Sale box, and the Web Store box.

      • On the Display tab, set Display Type to Disabled.

      • On the Sourcing & Filtering subtab, set Source List to Item, and Source From to Discount Expiration Date.

      • Click Save.

    3. Discount Expiration Time

      • In the Label Field, enter Discount expires at.

      • In the ID field, enter _discountexpirationtime.


        After you save the custom item option, the value for ID automatically changes to custcol _discountexpirationtime. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

      • Set the Type field to Time of Day.

      • On the Applies to subtab, check the Sale box and the Web Store box.

      • On the Display tab, set Display Type to Disabled.

      • On the Sourcing & Filtering subtab, set Source List to Item, and Source From to Discount Expiration Time.

      • Click Save.

Create the Code

function customValidateLine(type)

          // All validations occur in the item tab. 
   if (type != 'item')
      return true;

          // Note that validation routines are called differently from other events, because the return
// value of each function must be tested before going on to the next function. If any function
// returns false, stop processing and return false.
    if (!applyTimedDiscount())
      return false;

          // All validations passed, so return true 
   return true;

function applyTimedDiscount()

          // First get the current date and time. 
   var now = new Date(); 

          // Next, get the expiration date and time from the current line. 
   var expDate = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item','custcol_discountexpirationdate');
   var expTime = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item','custcol_discountexpirationtime');
   var discountPrice = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item','custcol_discountprice');
   if (isEmpty(expDate) || isEmpty(expTime) || isEmpty(discountPrice))

          // If the information is incomplete, do not give a discount for this item. 
      return true;
   var expDateTime = new Date(expDate+' '+expTime);
   alert('Expiration date time is '+expDateTime);
   if (now.getTime() < expDateTime.getTime())

          // Override the current price with the discount price. 
      alert('Discount applies - set the new price of '+discountPrice);

          // If the promotion has ended, do not to throw an error. Instead, add the item at regular price
// to the order.
   return true;

function isEmpty(val)
   return (val == null || val == '');
function isNotEmpty(val)
   return !isEmpty(val);

          // This function will update the rate and also recalculate the correct value for amount. 
function setCurrentLineRate(rate)
   nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'rate', rate, true, true);
   var qty = parseInt(nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'quantity'));
   var amount = qty * rate;
   nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'amount', amount, true, true);


Deploy Your Script to the Shopping Cart

NetSuite recommends that you test your script thoroughly before running it in the shopping cart. You must follow a series of steps to load the script into your NetSuite account, and then run the script for testing purposes.

For details, see Deploying and Running Scriptable Cart.

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