Item and Category Templates

Web site item/category templates allow you to customize the look and feel of your website pages. Use HTML to organize the content on the page, and NetSuite website tags to display information from item records on your site, such as images, sales price, information from custom fields, and more.

To create item/category templates you must enable the Advanced Site Customization feature on the Web Presence subtab at Setup > Company > Enable Features > Web Presence. An administrator must complete this task.

By default, NetSuite provides a set of basic templates for the following:

After you customize or create an item/category template, attach the template to a layout so you can apply it to tabs, categories or items on your site. For more information, see Applying Templates to Lists of Categories and Lists of Items.

Next, go to Commerce > Site Builder > Appearance > Themes to select a set of templates and layouts to create a theme for your website. For more information, see Customizing Site Themes.

The topics below provide more information about using Web site templates and layouts on your website:

Related Topics

General Notices