Locations Overview

The Locations feature enables users with the Administrator role to track information about employees and transactions for multiple offices or warehouses. For example, you can create locations for the corporate office and all of the sales offices, or for warehouses in several states. You can associate transactions and employees with each location, and then filter report data by location.

To enable the Locations feature, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. On the Company subtab, check the Locations box and then click Save.

To track data by location, you must enter a record for each location you want to track. Then, you can associate employees and transactions with a location record. For more information, see Creating Locations.

You can use the Locations feature to do the following:


To associate items with a location, you must enable the Multi-Location Inventory feature. Before you enable this feature, you should read Multi-Location Inventory to determine if this feature is appropriate for your company. After you have enabled the Multi-Location Inventory feature and distributed items, you cannot disable the feature without first contacting Customer Support. Note that the Multi-Location Inventory feature is required for NetSuite OneWorld using the Inventory feature.

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