Web Analytics and Online Forms

NetSuite lets you SCIS does not support the Remove Item when out of stock option. SCIS follows the same rules as SCA for Out of Stock Behavior options. For more information, read , and . capture web analytics from visitors who use online forms published on your website.

Use the getOnlineFormLinkHtml() tag in an href attribute to display a link to the online form on your website. Using the tag ensures the web analytics data is tracked properly. Note that the form's internal ID is passed in the tag. In the example below, the internal ID is 2.

          <%=getOnlineFormLinkHtml(2)%>Click here for online form</a> 


For more information about using the getOnlineFormLinkHtml() tag, in addition to other tags on your website, see Tags for Use in HTML Pages and Site Templates.

For information about finding the internal ID, see Finding Internal IDs of Records

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