Using Child Records

After you have created your child record types, you can enter data into records from the child record list or parent records.

See the following:

Entering Data in Child Records from the Child Record List

You can enter data in child records from the child record list.

To enter data in child records from the child record list:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Record Types.

  2. Click New Record next to the name of the child record type you want to enter records for.

  3. In the field that links to the parent record, select the record you want this child record to link to.

    For example, in the Equipment field, you would select the machine you are entering service notes for.

  4. Enter data in the remaining fields on the record.

  5. When you are finished, choose one of two options to submit the information to NetSuite:

    • Click Save to submit the information and return to the child record list.

    • Click Save & New to submit the information and add another record.

You can now view this child record from its parent record.

Entering Data in Child Records from the Parent Record

You can enter data in child records from the parent record. To do so, open the list of records where your parent record appears. Choose one of the following options:

  • If your parent record is a custom record:

    1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Record Types.

    2. Click the name of the custom record list you want to open.

    If you have a link in your center directly to your parent record list, you can click that link instead of the performing the preceding steps.

  • If your parent record is a standard NetSuite record, on the Lists page, click the name of the list you want.

    You can associate child records with any of the standard NetSuite records. However, for records that are transformed from other records, child record association cannot occur when the records are first created. The association occurs only after the records have been saved.

    1. Click View next to the name of the record you would like to enter data for.

    2. Click the subtab where the child record list appears.

    3. Click New above the list to enter a new child record.

    4. Enter data in the fields on the record.

    5. When you are finished, choose one of two options to submit the information to NetSuite:

      • To submit the information and return to the parent record, click Save.

      • To submit the information and add another child record, click Save & New.

To view a child record from the parent record, click the link for the child record in the list of child records. To edit a child record from the parent record, click Edit.

By default, inactive child records are not shown on the parent record. If you customize the sublist and the saved search filters by the Inactive box, inactive records can be shown in the sublist.


A child record may not be available on a form for a parent record that was created through transformation from another record type. For example, if you define a custom record as a child record of sales order, this custom child record is not available on forms for sales orders transformed from quotes. The child record doesn’t exist on the quote, so it can’t be included when transforming the quote to a sales order. However, if you define a custom record as a child record of quote, the custom child record will be available on forms for sales orders transformed from quotes.

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