Comparing Subtab, Portlet, Suitelet and User Event Connection Points

If you are trying to decide whether to set up subtab, portlet, Suitelet, or user event connection points for your application, consider the following: how comfortable you are with scripting, where the application should appear within the NetSuite user interface, and how you want it to look.

The following table outlines differences:





User Event

Required NetSuite customizations

Creation of a custom subtab. No scripting required.

Custom scripting required.

Custom scripting required.

Custom scripting required.

Availability on dashboard

Visible within specifically defined records.

Automatically available after bundle installed.

Can be added to any page that allows custom portlets.

Not available until custom portlet is added and configured to display script.

Link can be added to any page menu.

Automatically available after bundle installed.

Not exposed in the UI. Connection is initiated either Before Load, Before Submit, or After Submit, based on the user event script record function.

Ability to modify application “look and feel”

Limited. External application landing page appears within iFrame is only subtab contents.

Based on script, so can be free-form.

Based on script, so can be free-form.

Not exposed in the UI.

Required connection point definitions

Must define a separate connection point for each subtab integration.

One connection point can provide integration in multiple portlets.

Must define a separate connection point for each Suitelet integration.

Must define a separate connection point for each integration.

Related Topics

General Notices