NetSuite SuiteSignOn Translation of OAuth Definitions

Familiarize yourself with the OAuth 1.0 Protocol, RFC 5849. Refer to the following table to understand how the SuiteSignOn feature implements OAuth:

NetSuite Term


Analogous OAuth Term

Service Provider


Service Provider


External application provider of the application to be accessed from NetSuite through SuiteSignOn, may also be known as partner.


Consumer Key

Globally unique identifier of the consumer, generated by NetSuite.

Consumer Key

Shared Secret

Password used to establish ownership of the consumer key, entered by the consumer when setting up the SuiteSignOn connection.

The shared secret has a 1-1 relationship with the consumer key.

Consumer Secret


Value used to gain access to protected resources on behalf of the user, generated by NetSuite, good for a single session.


Individual who has logged into NetSuite and initiated activity between the consumer and NetSuite.


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