SC/SCMA/SCA — SuiteCommerce Solutions

The 2024.1 release of SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced will be available in a future release. For information about the current release, see 2023.2 Release of SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced.

SuiteCommerce Extension Management Update

The SuiteCommerce Extension Management bundle version 24.1.0 supports Node.js version 20.1.0 or later. With this update, Dart Sass is the library used to compile CSS and Sass code during theme or extension activation when using the Extension Manager. To take advantage of these updates, you must have NetSuite 2024.1.

To update Node.js to version 20.1.0, go to Download Node.js.

Commerce Themes

Complete release notes on the latest themes for your SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced site are available here: Commerce Themes Release Notes.

Commerce Extensions

Complete release notes on the latest extensions for your SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced site are available here: Commerce Extensions Release Notes.

General Notices