Editing Grid Orders

You can edit grid orders that have been submitted through single or multi-grid order entry.

Guidelines for Editing Grid Orders

Read the following guidelines for editing grid orders:

  • Grid inventory adjustments cannot be edited.

  • Changes to a grid template do not automatically reflect in the grid orders where the template is used. To update a grid order, you either manually edit it and reload the grid template, or manually enter the changes in the line items.

  • Users that do not have grid access cannot edit items that have been added through grid orders. When they edit other items and details on the transaction, the grid item details are retained.

  • The Order Summary table is not shown on the Grid Order Entry form in Edit mode.

  • When you create sales orders from estimates with grid orders, the grid order is carried over. You can edit the item quantities in the grid of the sales order. When you convert estimates to transactions not supported by grid ordering, you can edit the order in the item sublist of transactions. For the list of transactions supported by grid order entry, refer to the table on Grid Order Management.

To view other guidelines for grid order entry, see Managing Grid Orders. To view specific guidelines when updating multi-grid orders, see Updating Multi-Grid Orders

Follow these instructions to edit grid orders.

To edit a grid order:

  1. Go to Transactions > (Transaction type).

    Follow the standard path for editing the transaction. For example, to edit a sales order, go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders.

  2. In the list of orders, click Edit beside the transaction.

  3. On the Items subtab of the order page, perform any of the following:

    • To enter a new grid order, click Open Grid.

      For instructions, read the following topics:

      The Open Grid button is only available to users who have access to at least one of the supported custom record types. For more information, see Roles and Permissions for Grid Order Management.

    • To edit an existing grid order, perform the following steps:

      1. In the Grid Template column, look for the grid template name used in the grid order.

      2. In the Link column, click the Open icon to display the existing grid order.

      3. On the Grid Order Entry form, you can make the following changes depending on the grid preferences defined in your account.

        • If you use the Enable Quantity Distribution preference, you can change the total order quantity. Enter the new value in the Order Quantity field, then click Calculate.

        • To change specific item quantities, click the cell, then enter the value. Percentages and total values are automatically recalculated.

        For grid inventory adjustments, setting the value of the cell to zero removes the corresponding grid line item from the transaction. For more information about grid preferences, see Setting Grid Order Management Preferences.

      4. Click Submit.

        • Click Submit & New if you want to save the grid order and then enter another grid order.

        • Click Submit & Save to enter the grid order and save the transaction. Use this option to enter transactions with large grid orders.

    • Click a line item to change or add values.

      Changing the percentage in the Quantity field of a line item updates the percentage in its associated grid template when you open the grid.

    • Apply line item discounts.

    • Remove line items. To remove all transaction lines from the order, click Clear All Lines.

  4. After completing the changes, click Save on the order page.

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General Notices