Using Letter Templates


This topic is unrelated to marketing campaigns. For information about campaigns, see Email Marketing Campaigns.

Letter templates are Microsoft Word documents you create to use in mail merge operations. You then upload the templates to the Letter Templates folder of your file cabinet.

Letter templates generate personalized letters that you can print using Word, and then mail to those with whom you do business.

Letter templates can contain CRMSDK tags that refer to specific information in your NetSuite data. When Microsoft Word merges your data with your template, information that corresponds with the recipients record in NetSuite replaces the CRMSDK tags. For example, you might list the company's name and address in the heading of a letter. You insert the CRMSDK tags that correspond with each line in the address above the greeting. When Word merges your document, the company name, address, city, and state replace the CRMSDK tags.

The first step to create a letter template is to download the sample data source file. For more information, see Downloading the Sample Data Source File For Letter Templates.

The method you use to create a letter template for mail merge depends on the version of Microsoft Word you use. For more information, see Using Letter Templates in Microsoft Word.

For steps to create a new letter template, see Creating a Letter Template Record.

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