Period End Journal Header Fields

The top of each Period End Journal page displays the document number and the type of period end journal.

If the Edit button is visible, you can edit the period end journal. For more information, see Editing Period End Journals.

To open the GL Impact page for the journal, select GL Impact from the Actions list.

All the fields that may appear in a period end journal header are shown in the following table. Some of these fields appear only in specific types of period end journals, as noted in the descriptions.

For information about period end journal line fields, see Period End Journal Line Fields.



Entry No.

The Entry No. is the document number. It is automatically generated when the record is saved.

Accounting Book

This field is included only when the Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled. Period end journals are book-specific, and this field shows the accounting book for the period end journal.


The Subsidiary is the subsidiary to which the period end journal posts. The subsidiary must have the Enable Period End Journal Entries box checked.


The Date is the last day of the accounting period, with one exception. For the Balance Sheet Closing Reversal, if applicable, the date is the first day of the period following the fiscal year end.

Posting Period

The Posting Period is the period for which you ran the Create Period End Journal Entries task.

Source Subsidiary

The Source Subsidiary is the child subsidiary when posting consolidation journals and when posting income statement closing and balance sheet closing journals for the child subsidiary in the parent subsidiary. The child subsidiary does not need to have the Period End Journal Entries feature enabled.

The Subsidiary is the same as the Source Subsidiary only when posting non-consolidated income statement closing and balance sheet closing journals for each subsidiary's year end.


Enter information to help you identify this journal in a list of other period end journal entries. The value in this field is displayed on the Period End Journal Entries list page. If you enter a value in the Memo field when you create period end journals, that value is copied to this field.

Paired Period End Journal

This field is included only on income statement closing journals and only when the subsidiary preference Create Income Summary Journals is checked. The field contains a link to the other income statement closing journal in the pair.

Reversal #

Reversal Of

Reversal # appears only on balance sheet closing journals. The field contains a link to the reversal journal that reopens the balance sheet at the beginning of the next period.

Reversal Of appears only on balance sheet closing reversal journals. The field contains a link to the balance sheet closing journal it reverses.


The fields included in this field group depend on the features enabled in your environment. Classification fields are Class, Department, Location, and custom segments. If the subsidiary preference Create Period End Journals by Segment is checked, a separate period end journal is generated for each classification combination included in the source transactions for that period. Custom segments that do not affect the general ledger are not considered.

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