Web Site Record Fields

Web Site Record synthetic fields are available on the Web Site record for the following types of email sent to web site customers.

Web Site Record Field and Description

Available for Email Type

  • customerCenterUrl : URL of the Customer Center, where shoppers can see the details of their orders and manage their accounts.

  • domain : The domain from which the email has been sent.

  • url : URL of the website from which the email has been sent.

  • Order Received

  • Order Approved

  • Order Cancelled

  • Order Fulfilled

  • Download Available

  • License Code

  • Gift Certificate

  • Gift Certificate Confirmation

  • Password Recovery

  • Checkout Errors

  • Registration Confirmation

  • downloadLink : URL of the location at which the item to be downloaded is stored.

  • Download Available

  • License Code

  • recoveryPasswordUrl : URL the customer must follow to recover their website password.

Password Recovery

  • errorticket : Number of the error ticket created due to the checkout error.

  • cartContents : Items in the cart that caused the error.

Checkout Errors

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General Notices