Editing Estimates in the Work Breakdown Structure

While updating the WBS, you can update the estimate at completion or estimate to complete calculations.

To edit estimate to complete:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Projects.

  2. Click Edit next to the project you want to update.

  3. Click the Work Breakdown Structure subtab.

  4. Click New WBS.

  5. Go to the line that you want to edit, and update the Estimate to Complete field.

  6. Enter the expected amount for finishing the remaining work for the project.

  7. Click Save.


NetSuite automatically calculates the estimate at completion as a sum of actual cost and estimate to complete.

The system automatically calculates the margin and profit by rolling up estimate to complete values. For example, a project requires you to travel and you still need to pay for your transportation and accommodations. You can divide the cost of transportation by train, taxi, and public transportation.

NetSuite automatically calculates the total of the transportation cost as the sum of each individual line. You can divide the cost of accommodations to hotel room number one and hotel room number two. The system automatically calculates the total of the accommodations cost as the sum of each individual line.


In this example, the final cost for travel is automatically calculated as the sum of transportation and accommodations. However, you can update the amount and enter the maximum amount allowed for travel.

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