Landed Costs

On the Landed Costs subtab of a new purchase custom transaction instance, you can calculate landed cost by weight, quantity, or value. You can enter the cost amount manually or use the amount from the current transaction or another transaction.

For more information about creating a new purchase custom transaction instance, see Creating Sales and Purchase Custom Transaction Instances.


You can have multiple categories for custom cost categories. The following procedures use example categories of Shipping and Insurance. These categories can differ from the custom categories your company uses. For more information, see Creating Cost Categories.

To calculate Landed Costs on the Landed Costs subtab:

  1. Click the Expenses and Items subtab and clear the Landed Cost Per Line box. If this box is checked, the fields on the Landed Costs subtab are unavailable.

  2. On the Items subtab, enter item details.

  3. In the Landed Cost Category field, enter a category for the landed cost. This category is required if the landed cost source will be anything other than Manual.

  4. Click the Landed Costs subtab.

  5. In the Cost Allocation Method field, select Weight, Quantity, or Value.

  6. For each applicable cost field (for example, Shipping and Insurance) and source combination, choose an option:

    • In the Source field, enter Manual. Then enter a weight, quantity, or dollar value based on the cost allocation method selected.

    • In the Source field, enter This Transaction. The cost field fills in automatically with the amount calculated on the line items.

    • In the Source field, enter Other Transaction or Other Transaction (exclude tax). Then in the related Transaction field, select a transaction. The cost field fills in automatically with the amount from the selected transaction.

  7. Click Save.

You can also calculate landed costs by line item on the Landed Costs subtab.

For more information about landed costs, see Landed Cost Overview.

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