Set Up Advanced Sign Up Email Templates

You can customize the two emails associated with Advanced Sign Up that are sent to your users. See the following topics on how to set up the email templates to fit your needs.

Set Up the Status Pending Email Template

After installing the Advanced Sign Up bundle, create the email template used to notify users that their registration status is pending. If you do not set up the email template, then no email is sent alerting your users that their registration is pending approval. To set up the status pending email, create a new email template in NetSuite using a file included in the Advanced Sign Up bundle. For more information about modifying an email template, see Customizing Templates for System-Automated Email.


For advanced users experienced in HTML and FreeMarker, you can use the variables defined in the header of the included file to further customize the email template. For more information about modifying a template with FreeMarker, see Scriptable Templates.

To set up the status pending email template:

  1. In NetSuite, go to File Cabinet > SuiteBundles > [BUNDLE ID] > com.netsuite.advancedsignup > EmailTemplates.

    In the path above, [BUNDLE ID] equals the Advanced Sign Up bundle ID. For the bundle ID, see Commerce Extensions.

  2. Click Download next to the advanced_sign_up_processing.template.ftl file.

  3. Use this file to create a new email template:

    1. In NetSuite, go to Documents > Templates > Email Templates > New.

    2. In the Name field, give your new template a name.

      This name displays as an option in the Email Template field of the SC Configuration Record, which you select to configure the extension’s email template.

    3. In the Record Type field, select Custom Record.

    4. In the Template tab, perform the following steps:

      1. In the Subject field, enter a message to display as the subject of the Advanced Sign Up email.

        For example: Thanks for signing up!

        If you are experienced with HTML and FreeMarker, you can adjust this subject to meet your needs.

        If this field is left blank, the Subject displays the following message: Thanks for signing up!

      2. In the Create Template From: field, select File.

      3. Click the New icon to add a file.

      4. In the Select File field, choose the advanced_sign_up_processing.template.ftl file downloaded from the File Cabinet.

      5. Click Save.

    5. Click Save to create the email template.

Customize the Customer Center Access Email Template

The Customer Center Access Email template is a NetSuite system-automated email alert. It alerts customers that they have been given access to a NetSuite Customer Center role and must set a password. This email is sent to a user who has been approved and includes two links to NetSuite, one to set a password and one to log in.

For use with this extension, it makes more sense for the confirmation email to send users to the web store page to log in, as opposed to in NetSuite. You should edit the template so that the Click Here to Log In link points to your website URL. You can also add more information to make the template specific to your company.

To customize the Customer Center Access Email template, see the following topic on how to modify a system email template: Customizing Templates for System-Automated Email.

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