Viewing the Planning Repository Event Log

The Planning Repository Initialization process searches for items tied to the plan to search for item location configuration records. If no records are found, the system automatically creates them.

The Planning Repository Event Log displays the status of the data repository process. After the data repository refresh process completes, the event log displays the initialization line and the refresh lines.

To view the planning repository event log:

  1. Go to Transactions > Supply Planning > Refresh Planning Repository > Event Log.

  2. To filter the event log results, open the Filters and adjust the event log date.

  3. Click Refresh.

    For more information, see Planning Repository.

    To go to the Planning Workbench, beside the Supply Plan Defintion you want to see, click the link in the Planning Workbench column.

    You can also go to the workbench from this page when you are running one or more plans.

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General Notices