Advanced Inventory Management

You can use the Advanced Inventory Management (AIM) feature to automate demand-based inventory replenishment.

Distribution and Demand Planning

Creating a Refresh Planning Repository Schedule

After you select the Reorder Point replenishment method, you enter inventory management settings on item records. NetSuite then anticipates future demand for the item and adjusts suggested item ordering. Based on previous purchases and sales of items, your account calculates appropriate reorder points and preferred stock levels for items.

Item Records

The Advanced Inventory Management feature enables you to use item records to track Lead Time, Safety Stock, and Seasonal Demand for inventory. Item records also show the quantity available for each item. These figures are used to continually assess stock needs and modify replenishment orders.

These automated calculations enable you to maintain an ideal stock level and minimize excess inventory. However, you can override or disable the calculations to handle unusual circumstances. You can also disable advanced inventory management functions for an individual item. Then you can revert the lead time, preferred stock level, and reorder point back to the last manually entered value.

When you enable Advanced Inventory Management, data is auto-calculated the first night, regardless of the week day set for regular weekly recalculations.

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