Inventory Reporting

NetSuite reports are a powerful tool you can use to assess inventory at all stages of your inventory workflow.

You can view reports with inventory costs, stock levels, activity, valuation, revenue generated and profitability. Then, use the information from reports to identify successes and problems within each workflow process, as well as within the workflow as a whole.

For example, you can view reports that return this inventory data for the previous quarter:

With this information, you can take action as necessary, changing processes that have created problems and maintaining processes that are successful:

When you can take action to make improvements as needed, you can execute more efficient management of your inventory.

It is important to track your inventory so you know what stock you have and what stock you need. Keeping the appropriate levels of stock on hand enables you to maintain a streamlined stock level, which results in reduced overhead. It also enables you to fulfill orders in a timely manner, which results in customer satisfaction.

You can use inventory reports to make regular assessments of stock quantities and identify your replenishment needs to maintain a streamlined inventory. You can also evaluate your overall inventory workflow.

First, determine the status of your inventory and identify your replenishment needs. Then, you can maintain optimum stock levels by purchasing or redistributing inventory as needed to maintain the ideal quantities.

You can use reports to assess your inventory and workflow. Reports can help you identify:

Then, you can respond to information in the reports by:

To view reports, go to the Reports tab. Inventory reports can be accessed under the Inventory/Items heading.


Links to all reports may not show on the Reports tab. The reports that are available depend on the role assigned to you. For example, an Administrator has access to more reports than a Sales Manager.

Reports can show current status of inventory items and backorders to help you find out what you need.

Inventory assessment can have two main goals: to determine your inventory level or to determine your inventory values. Assessing the level of your inventory tells you how much inventory you have. Assessing the value tells you how much your inventory is worth.

One report can help you make both assessments: Viewing the Stock Ledger.

Other inventory reports can be categorized by two main functions, inventory level assessment and inventory value assessment.

Inventory Levels

You can make an Inventory Level Assessments with Reports to determine if the quantities you are stocking on hand are the appropriate amounts.

Inventory Values

Inventory Value Assessments with Reports help you identify inventory value and profitability, as well as revenue generated by items.

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