Viewing the Stock Ledger

The Stock Ledger report helps you manage inventory by showing activity for items over a period. It is a tool you can use to better understand inventory activity across classes, departments, and subsidiaries for multiple locations, For example, stockrooms, warehouses, and retail stores. It can help identify inventory items that are slow-moving, fast-moving, or overstocked. It can help identify inventory investment strategies and planning, as well as improve the effectiveness of item promotions.

For example, on the report, you can define a time period from November 1st to November 30th. The report displays the following item data for the defined period:


In accounts that use the Multiple Units of Measure feature, quantities displayed on the Stock Ledger report are in stock units.

The Stock Ledger report returns data on inventory items and assembly items.

To use the Stock Ledger report, you must have the Inventory feature enabled in your account.

If you use the Multiple Units of Measure feature, quantities are displayed in stock units.

If the Multi-Currency feature is enabled in your account, values on this report are displayed in the primary currency of your account.

In NetSuite OneWorld, values are displayed in the primary currency for your subsidiary.

To view the stock ledger:

  1. Go to Reports > Inventory/Items > Stock Ledger.

    A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report to stop the report from loading.

  2. Make selections in the following fields in the footer of the report to define the data returned by the report:

  3. Define a date range using one of the following:

    • Make a selection in the Date field.

    • Make selections in the From field and the To field.

  4. If you use NetSuite OneWorld, the Subsidiary Context field enables you to filter the report data by subsidiary.

    1. Make a selection to display data for a different subsidiary.

      By default, the report displays data for the top-level, or root-parent, subsidiary.

    2. Select an option appended with (Consolidated) to display data for all child subsidiaries of the consolidated parent subsidiary.

      After you have selected a subsidiary context, this selection is maintained each time you rerun the report, until you change the subsidiary context again.

  5. If you use the Multi-Book Accounting feature, make a selection in the Accounting Book field.

  6. Click Refresh to apply your selections and reload the report.

The Stock Ledger report can also be customized. For example, your account includes many combinations of items and locations. You can customize the report to filter the results and reduce the time required to generate the report. For details, read Report Customization.

Data is displayed using the following columns:

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