Inventory Valuation Report

The Inventory Valuation report summarizes the value of your inventory at a specific point in time. You can use this report to analyze the quantities and value of active, on-hand inventory items.

For each inventory item, this report details item name, description, inventory value (in dollars), percentage of total inventory value and quantity on hand.

Use this report to identify areas you can potentially use to streamline your inventory.

For example, report shows item #JK051 has a high dollar value and high percentage of total inventory. You might investigate the item as a problem. To find the problem, consider the item's cost and turnover rate:

Using this report to identify problem items helps you streamline your inventory by keeping an optimal number of your items in stock.

After you identify potential problems using the Inventory Valuation report, you can use the Inventory Valuation Detail Report. This report lets you examine transactions related to problem items.


When running the inventory valuation report for a past date, NetSuite does not recalculate the average cost as of the past date. Average cost is adjusted based only on changes made to transactions.

To see an inventory valuation report:

Go to Reports > Inventory/Items > Inventory Valuation.

A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report to stop the report from loading.


Landed cost is included in the Unit Value column.

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