Edit KPIs

There are multiple ways to edit KPIs

Use the following procedures to open and edit a saved KPI. KPIs are stored in the catalog, but can be added to KPI watchlists, scorecards, and dashboards. When you edit and save a KPI, the changes propagate to wherever the KPI is displayed.

Edit KPIs from the Catalog

Use the following procedure to edit a KPI from the catalog.

You can use the catalog to access a KPI to edit it.

  1. In the global header, click Catalog.
  2. In the Catalog page, navigate to the KPI to edit and click the Edit link for the object.
  3. In the KPI editor, make the desired changes.
  4. Save the KPI.

Edit KPIs from a KPI Watchlist

Use the following procedure to edit a KPI from a KPI watchlist.

You can access a single KPI from a KPI watchlist to edit the KPI.:

  1. In a KPI watchlist, right-click the KPI that you want to open.
  2. Select Open KPI Definition.
  3. In the KPI editor, make the desired changes.
  4. Save the KPI.