Work with Comments

Comments permit additional commentary about items in a scorecard.

You can work with comments in many places in a scorecard, including in:


Before you can add comments to an initiative or objective, the initiative or objective must have at least one KPI assigned to it.

As you work with comments, remember that a comment is associated with a specific point of view. See About the Point of View Area and About Comments.

Work with Comments in the Collaboration pane

Comments can be added to and edited in the Collaboration pane.

In the Collaboration pane of the Initiative Details tab, Objective Details tab, and KPI Details tab of the Scorecard editor, you can view, add, or reply to comments for that particular initiative, objective, or KPI.

  1. Open or edit the scorecard.
  2. Open the initiative, objective, or KPI and navigate to the Collaboration pane.
  3. Ensure that the values that are displayed in the point of view area reflect the desired context for the comment. (For example, you might want to comment on a KPI status for the Eastern region.)
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To add a new comment, click the New Comment button. The New Comment dialog is displayed. Comments added by clicking the New Comment button are associated with the status (that is, the Status column) of the objective, initiative, or KPI.
    • For KPIs only, you can also associate a comment with other columns such as Trend, Target, or Variance. To do so, edit the parent object, right-click on the relevant cell in the Watchlists and select Add Comment.
    • To reply to a comment, locate the comment to which you want to reply and click the Reply link. The Reply dialog is displayed.
  5. Enter the subject of your comment (for a new comment only) and the text of your comment.
  6. Click OK.

Work with Comments in Watchlists

In a watchlist, you can view, add, and reply to comments for initiatives, objectives, and KPIs that are displayed in the watchlist.

You can add comments for certain areas of the watchlist, such as the Western region KPI status.

  1. Open or edit the scorecard.
  2. Open the object in which you want to work with comments and navigate to the appropriate pane or tab.
  3. Ensure that the values that are displayed in the point of view area reflect the desired context for the comment. (For example, you might want to comment on a KPI status for the Eastern region.)
  4. To add a new comment:
    1. In the watchlist, right-click the Status cell to which you want to add the comment and select Add Comment.
    2. Complete the Add Comment dialog and click OK.
  5. To work with the comments that were previously added to an object, hover the mouse pointer over the Blue triangle in the upper-right corner of the cell in the Status column or, for a KPI, one of its columns. In the Status window:
    • Read the comments that were previously added.
    • Display the New Comment dialog to add a new comment by clicking New Comment.
    • Display the Reply dialog to reply to a comment by clicking the Reply link.
    • Pin the window so that it stays open by clicking the Pin button.

Work with Comments in the Diagram Tab of a View

In the Diagram tab of a view, you can view, add, and reply to comments for objectives and KPIs that are displayed in the view.

For example, you can work with comments in the Diagram tab of the Strategy Tree tab.

You can also work with comments in this same way when a view is rendered as a diagram in a dashboard.

  1. Open or edit the scorecard.
  2. Open the view in which you want to work with comments and navigate to the Diagram tab.
  3. Ensure that the values that are displayed in the point of view area reflect the desired context for the comment. (For example, you might want to comment on a KPI status for the Eastern region.)
  4. To add a new comment:
    1. Click the Options button on the right side of the node to which you want to add the comment and select Add Comment from the Node Options Menu.
    2. Complete the Add Comment dialog and click OK.
  5. To work with the comments that were previously added to an object, hover the mouse pointer over the Comment button in the upper-right corner of the node. The Status window is displayed with all the comments that are attached to the initiative, objective, or KPI. From this window, you can:
    • Read the comments that were previously added.
    • Display the New Comment dialog to add a new comment by clicking New Comment.
    • Display the Reply dialog to reply to a comment by clicking the Reply link.
    • Pin the window so that it stays open by clicking the Pin button.